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Adopt A Family

The Wisconsin Ovarian Cancer Alliance Adopt a Family program is designed to help families impacted by a gynecologic cancer diagnosis. By adopting a family or donating, you can help brighten their holiday season and provide them with the support they need to get through this tough time. 

This is our 5th Annual "Hope for the Holidays- Adopt a Family" Campaign!  All of our survivor families have been referred to WOCA by their gynecologic oncology team, so you can be assured that your donations and contributions are helping those who need it the most. In addition to families being nominated, hospitals also nominate individuals that will be spending the holidays alone. 

katy and mary ann elves.jpg
hope for the holidays elves.jpg

Your support means the world to families in need. Last year, we were able to help 17 families, totaling 71 individuals! We also were able to provide care packages for 23 survivors who may have spent their holidays alone. 


Donate to our Adopt a Family Holiday Campaign. 


Check back closer to the Holidays! 


Survivors throughout Wisconsin are nominated by their health care team for our Adopt a Family Campaign. You are then able to help out by Adopting a Family, or by donating to the campaign.


Make a donation of any size. It will then be used to purchase gifts on the family’s wish list.




  • Sponsors that choose to adopt a whole family will purchase gifts from the wish lists completed by the families. If you choose to sponsor a whole family, a member of the WOCA staff will reach out with the family’s wish list.

  • If you are interested in Adopting a Family please click the "Sponsor a Family" button above. 

  • As a general guideline, sponsor families typically spend $100 per person adopted- but this is strictly your decision. Please know that ANY amount is welcome! Gift wrapping is optional.

  • All gifts need to be dropped off or delivered to the WOCA office by Noon on December 12th, 2024.

  • The WOCA staff will coordinate with the families to arrange drop offs.


Information & Common Questions for Family Sponsors

When do I need to have my items by?

If you are choosing to adopt a family and shop for their gifts, all gifts need to be delivered to the WOCA office by noon on Friday, December 12th, 2024


When do I need to decide by?

Please let us know by December 2nd if you are interested in adopting a family and shopping for their presents by filling the Adopt a Family Application form. 


Do I need to get every item on the list?  
No, you are not expected to get every item on the list; we just want to provide you with several options.   

Are there items I should NOT provide? Yes, please do not provide any of the following:  

  • Cash 

  • Prepaid Credit Cards- Gift Cards are OK!

  • Used Items 

  • Alcohol 

  • Food Items*  

*However, a few new, packaged, non-perishable treats like chocolates are okay! 

What if my budget is less than what is suggested above?

Not a problem! We could match you with a family and ask that you focus on a specific tangible gift item(s). Thanks to generous donors, we can purchase additional gifts as needed. 

Do I have to wrap the presents?

Nope! Unwrapped items can be dropped off at our office, we'll take care of the wrapping. 

Interested in Wrapping? Perfect! Be sure to put the name of the person the gift is for. Also, please include a list of what is purchased, that way we can supplement any items if need be!

At the Wisconsin Ovarian Cancer Alliance, we are grateful for your support and commitment to those affected by ovarian and other gynecologic cancers. Your contribution to our Adopt a Family program will help alleviate some of the stress and burden that families face during the holiday season. Thank you for your generosity and for making a difference in the lives of those in need.

For more information, call us at 262-797-7804 or email us at
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