Stephanie & Sierra
"Comforting the Community"

Stephanie Herfel and her beautiful Siberian Husky, Sierra, have been Ovarian Cancer Soulmates since 2013. Sierra had the gift of being able to smell cancer and saved Stephanie’s life before medical tests could make the diagnosis of Stage 3C Ovarian Cancer. If that were not surprising, Sierra sniffed out multiple recurrences months before the oncology team could confirm that the cancer had returned. Sierra’s ability became very comforting for Stephanie and allowed her to not worry about when the cancer returned because Stephanie understood that Sierra’s Nose Knows.
Because of Stephanie and Sierra’s passion for comforting each other in times of need, all donations made in honor of them will benefit WOCA’s programs that help comfort the community. Some of these programs include:
Comfort Totes: These are care packages provided to hospitals throughout the state. Each package is filled with items that are said to be comforting during treatment for ovarian cancer. Patients receive these totes on their first day of treatment, or are able to reach out to WOCA’s office and have them mailed to their homes.

Mentorship Program: WOCA connects survivors who are farther along on their journey with individuals who may just be starting theirs. This is done through WOCA’s peer to peer based mentorship program, “Woman to Woman”
"Woman to Woman is a very valuable mentorship program for ovarian cancer patients. I have been privileged to mentor two lovely ladies for the past year. It is a wonderful, mutually supportive program for all involved. The training, background and guidance provided by WOCA has been very helpful. Similar types and stages of cancer are paired. Basically the program amounts to a lot of listening and sharing of experiences on the ovarian cancer journey. We have met in person for lunch, talked on the phone and since COVID by email and texts. It is nice to be able to listen to and talk with other women who are going through the same experiences, fears, frustrations and hopefully some good news that we have had on our journeys. There seems to be a special bond that develops between those women involved. I am so very thankful to be a part of it.” – Missy, Ovarian Cancer Mentor