Event Information:
July 25th, 2025
3850 Mid Valley Drive • De Pere WI 54115
(920) 532-6644
Event Information
Established in 2010, Tee up for Cancer is our annual golf event in memory of Connie Rutledge and Marilyn Shipley. All funds raised benefit the Connie Rutledge Legacy Fund(CRLF).
CRLF mission is threefold:
• Assist individuals with financial support to offset the costs of cancer treatments and other expenses when diagnosed with ovarian cancer or undergoing treatments for ovarian cancer (and gynecological cancers).
• Unite with our community and work together to promote awareness of ovarian cancer.
• Financially support research endeavors at the Regional Cancer Research Institutes in connection with ovarian cancer to improve the survival rates for women with ovarian cancer.
Connie was an accomplished teacher, coach and principal. Connie found empowerment when first diagnosed through learning everything she could about this cancer she knew so little about. Connie was motivated by amazing women – who had many different types of gynecological cancers – that she met during their shared battle and saw how all gynecological cancers truly are intertwined. Connie created Tee Up for Cancer as a fun way to engage the community and raise financial support for women impacted by gynecological cancers.
Marilyn Shipley was an independent woman that left an impression on Connie and everyone she met. It may have been her smile, laugh, sense of humor, or the twinkle in her eye. She loved life, her family and friends. During her two year fight with ovarian cancer, her optimism and courage were a great support for others fighting their personal battle; as well as everyone she met and shared her story with. Marilyn passed away on December 30, 2008.
Event Registration Includes:
Golf, golf cart, light snacks, lunch, and a dinner buffet to follow the event. Yard stick add-on is included with registration. Two carts will be provided per 4 people. If additional carts are needed, they can be rented the day of for $40.
Scramble Format, soft spikes and collared shirts are appreciated. Cash only event, ATM available.
***Tentative*** Event Timeline:
9:30 am - 10:45 am
Driving Range Open
Please review electronic display outside for hole and cart assignment
AM 50/50 Raffle available
10:45 am
Report to golf cart
Arby’s Lunch: a boxed lunch is provided to all golfers — make sure to pick up your lunch prior to the start
Brief announcements and selection of the morning
50/50 winner prior to send off
11:00 am (shotgun start)
Team pictures taken randomly on golf course
4:00 pm - 5:00 p.m. (immediately after golf)
Buffet dinner will be served from 4:00-5:00, please help yourself at anytime. At approximately 4:30 we will announce winners of the raffles, hole events and golf tournament.
Each golfer receives two drink tickets that can be used on the course or in the clubhouse for water, soda, domestic beer or rail mixers
Tee up for Cancer is a annual golf event that benefits the Connie Rutledge Legacy Fund (CRLF). The CRLF was created in memory of
Connie Rutledge. Connie was an accomplished teacher, coach and principal. Connie found empowerment when first diagnosed through learning everything she could about this cancer she knew so little about.
Connie was motivated by amazing women – who had many different types of gynecological cancers – that she met during their shared battle and saw how all gynecological cancers truly are intertwined. Connie created Tee Up for Cancer as a fun way to engage the community and raise financial support for women impacted by gynecological cancers.
Since 2010 we have supported over 510 women with over $615,000 of support.
Proceeds from the event benefit the Connie Rutledge Legacy Fund, helping women diagnosed with gynecologic cancers throughout Wisconsin.